

  • 上海亨昱会展服务有限公司
  • 上海嘉定区阿克苏路1187号大卫国际大厦511室
  • 201801
  • 86-21-59520576
  • 86-21-59520595
  • carrie wang (sales manager)
  • 86-15618827895

上海亨昱会展服务有限公司是一家充满着活力和创新思维的专业从事国际 展览会组织的服务性公司,为国内进出口型企业、进出口贸易公司提供专业、诚信、高效和全方位一站式海外展览服务。

公司以贸促会为依托,与世界各地展览组委会和国际商会等保持着广泛的联系和合作,共同致力于为中国企业和海外公司提供国际经济技术合作,海内外投资,国际文化交流等专业优质服务。核心业务为向中国进出口企业推介在国际上行业 的展会,并协助组织中国企业前去参展,从而达到帮助企业扩展海外市场的目的。

公司拥有一支 的团队,秉承“专业、诚信、高效”的工作团队作风,掌握专业领域内国际展览会的 信息,坚持“客户至上,品质创新”的经营理念,使公司发展成为展览项目专业、组展质量高的国际 的展览公司。



Shanghai H&Y Exhibition Service Co., Ltd is a company full of vigor and innovation thinking. Be engaged in organizing international well-known exhibition Service. For the domestic import and export-oriented enterprises, import and export trading company, to provide professional, honest, efficient and full range a step way overseas exhibition services.

The company is relying on CCPIT, and maintaining a wide range of contacts and cooperation with Exhibition organizing committee and International Chamber of Commerce, etc. Working together to provide professional services for Chinese enterprises and oversea company in International Economic and technical cooperation, investment at home and abroad, international cultural exchange, etc.

The Core business is to promote import and export enterprises in the international trade fair in the world. And help to organize Chinese enterprises to go to the exhibition, So as to help companies expand overseas markets.

The company has a good team, adhering to the "professional, honest, efficient" work team style; mastering the latest information of the international exhibition in the professional field, adhering to the "customer first, quality innovation" business philosophy, making the Company become international first-class exhibition company with professional exhibition project and high quality organize exhibition.

The Company has many years of experience in the exhibition. At present, the company will organize a number of influential international exhibitions in the professional field every year.

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修改日期 : 2021 - 06 - 17
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